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20 Years of Hope: Solomon and Shadrack

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Solomon and Shadrack are 11-year-old twin boys living in Uganda. They live with their 72-year-old grandmother, their younger sister, and a cousin. Sadly, both boys suffer from asthma and are frequently in and out of the hospital.

As if this wasn’t a difficult enough situation, the boys also developed painful hernias and needed medical care at a cost that was out of reach. You can imagine what an emotional and financial toll all these troubles had taken on their family.

Twin boys in pink shirts and khaki shorts eating food on the ground in Uganda

Solomon and Shadrack’s mother works as a maid in United Arab Emirates to help support her children and mother. She is grateful to have help from her brother, and together they do their best to pay the medical bills and keep the children in school. But it’s a struggle.

Three children standing in a row wearing Ugandan school uniforms

In June of this year, the twins’ uncle heard about the Kawolo Hernia Mission — sponsored by Love Without Boundaries — over a local radio station. He was excited at the idea of being able to help the boys and brought his nephew Shadrack to the hernia mission, hoping he would be selected for surgery. Poor Shadrack had been complaining of pain since the school term began.

When Shadrack was accepted for surgery, his uncle was thrilled. He immediately fetched Solomon from school and brought him straight to the hospital to join his brother. Both boys had successful operations and are feeling so much better!

Young boy in a blue Every Child Counts shirt prior to hernia surgery

We were so pleased to receive a recent update on the boys from their uncle:

Hello friends, I hope all is well! From the bottom of my heart, I would like to appreciate Love Without Boundaries for the treatment extended to my twin nephews. The boys can now attend school without excuses, participate in all school programs, and play like other normal kids. They are extremely happy because their class performance has greatly improved. Thank you so much for transforming their lives. I am forever grateful. ~Uncle Travas

Twin boys and a girl wearing pink shirts with their uncle in Uganda

Solomon and Shadrack (and little sister) do indeed look happy and absolutely adorable.

What an unexpected joy to hear back from the family that the children have recovered well! It was so kind of their uncle to send us an update.

We are truly grateful that we were able to bring hope and healing to a whopping 154 children at the Kawolo Hernia Mission in June, and to another 162 little ones at the Kayunga Hernia Mission that was recently held in September. That’s a grand total of 316 children with hernias healed during a three-month period!

It is such a blessing whenever we are able to help provide life-changing surgical care in Uganda, bringing together our in-country staff, talented local physicians, and of course, the wonderful donors who support our Uganda medical program.

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